3 03 2009


I’m a lover of Twitter.  I’ll admit it, I’m not ashamed.  Sharing links and tidbits in 140 characters or less has become a favorite past time of mine.  But, I do think that if things were to get any more micro, there would be a lot lost.  I’m still getting the hang of Twitter (sort of a newbie) and even with 140 characters I find it hard to say everything the way I want to say it.  I can’t image if I were held to even less characters.

This is one of the questions addressed on the blog Socialized last week:

“How much more “micro” will content get? Can we get by with fewer than 140 characters? Can you communicate anything of substance in a 12-second video (by using 12seconds.tv)? What other examples of the microsizing of content are there?”

To an extent I think we could potentially communicate with less than 140 characters, but as addressed in the question, I’m not sure there would be much substance to it.  Essentially, I feel like it would come down posting links more than sharing advice.  I try to imagine this post in 140 characters and I don’t know if I could do it (anyone wanting to try, I’d love to read it – hint hint).

My attempt:  Worried about how microsizing may impact content and substance in social media.

Not too shabby if I do say so myself (92 characters, thanks Tweetdeck).  But how much insight does it offer.  And, what if you were communicating to an audience of worried consumers?  Personally, I don’t think I would let many people off the hook with 140 character (or less) explanation if I were upset or worried.

What do you think?  Can you effectively drive a point home in 140 characters or less?



2 responses

3 03 2009

It’s funny you say this. I was trying out Squidoo and found it was extremely challenging. While overall you get more than 140 characters to be passionate on a subject, each area of that subject has less than half the 140 you get in Twitter. It was at once exciting to create passion out of few words, but also a barrier at times. It left me thinking that this is a great tool for marketers to hone their copy skills.

Brain Vibe

3 03 2009

That’s a really good point. If you need to be strictly concise it may be beneficial to use tools that restrict the number of characters you can use.

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